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W Fruitvale Ave, Hemet, CA

Develop it!
Status:  Sold
Price:  $299,000
Terms:  Cash
Size:  11.8 acres
Street:  W Fruitvale Ave
Cross Street:  N Lyon Ave
City:  Hemet
County:  Riverside
Parcel Numbers (APNs):  
444-370-015 and -020
Water:  District water is available
Electricity:  Not available
Zoning:  A-1-C-1 Light Agricultural Neighborhood Commercial, allows one-family dwellings, light agriculture, businesses
Latitude:  33.762472
Longitude:  -116.986439
Click to view map: 
     Plat Map
     Aerial Map
     Zoning Map

Description:  Flexible zoning allows multiple homes, commercial, agriculture.  Check with the City to see if your subdivision plan and use is allowed!  Green grass, totally flat.  Views of snow-capped peaks.  All utilities in the street.  Super easy to build here.  Consists of two parcels, APN 444-370-015 (7.5 acres) and APN 444-370-020 (4.3 acres) so 11.8 acres combined.  Premium development opportunity.


Driving Directions:  From Hwy 79 in N Hemet take N Lyons Ave south.  Turn east on W Fruitvale Ave.  Parcels are west of, and behind, the house at 1390 W Fruitvale Ave.  Take the aerial map.

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