Bayberry Dr, Glendale, CA
Great neighborhood!
Status: Sold
Price: $30,000, both combined
Size: 0.33 acre, both combined
Street: Bayberry Dr
Cross Street: El Arbolita Dr
City: Glendale
County: Los Angeles
Parcel Numbers (APNs):
5613023011 and 5613023012
Zoning: R1R II Residential, allows one home and guest home per lot
Electricity: Not available at this time
Water: District water is not available at this time
Latitude: 34.192065
Longitude: -118.223007
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Description: Two lots in a great area inside Glendale City limits! Quality neighborhood of established homes ranging from $1 to $8 million near the Oakmont Country Club. The terrain is gentle down-slope with lots of pretty trees. Size is 0.33 acre for both lots combined. Zoning allows one home and one guest home per lot. However, these lots are suitable for investors, not someone wanting to build now. This is because the street is not paved. The road would have to be paved to City standards by you and/or your neighbors to build. If you are a savvy investor with an eye for value, these lots are for you!
Driving Directions: From N Verdugo Rd in Glendale, turn right on Sparr Blvd. Turn right on Montecito Dr. Turn right on El Arbolita Dr. Turn right on Bayberry Dr. At the end of the paved cul-de-sac, park your car and get out and walk. Go around the gate and walk 100+ feet. Parcels are on the right. They are also behind, and adjacent to, the house at 2060 EL Arbolita Dr. Take the aerial map.