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Alder Rd, Bolinas, CA

Near the ocean!
Status:  Sold
Price:  $29,000
Size:  0.0803 acre
Street:  Alder Rd
Cross Street:  Sycamore Rd
City:  Bolinas
County:  Marin
Parcel Number (APN):  
Latitude:  37.899184
Longitude: -122.7062344
Click to view:
     Plat Map
     Aerial Map
     Location Map 1
     Location Map 2

Description:  The wild, natural coastal beaches and Agate Beach Park are two blocks away. Explore tide pools during low tides and enjoy amazing sunsets. Lot is unbuildable.  There is a permanent moratorium on water and sewer connections.  The zoning does not allow overnight camping. Tiny homes, yurts, and overnight RV use are not allowed.  Lot is strictly for day use, e.g., having your very own land near the ocean to enjoy a peaceful escape or to hang out with friends and family for a picnic.  Good long-term investment opportunity due to the super low price! 


Driving Directions:  From Hwy 1, take Olema Bolinas Rd south.  Turn right on Mesa Rd.  Turn left on Overlook Dr.  Turn right on Alder Rd.  Parcel is on the left.  It is north of, and adjacent to, the house at 286 Jute Rd.  Take the aerial map.

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