8 Edgehill Way, San Rafael, CA
Plans and reports included!
Status: Sold
Price: $248,000
Size: 0.95 acre
Address: 8 Edgehill Way
Cross Street: Carmel Ct
City: San Rafael
County: Marin
Parcel Number (APN):
Zoning: R1-HOD Residential Single Family, allows single-family home
Water: District water is available
Septic/Sewer: Sewer is available
Electricity: Available
Latitude: 37.995175
Longitude: -122.523596
Click to view:
Plat Map
Parcel Map
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Topo Map
Driveway Map
Architectural Plans A
Architectural Plans B
Architectural Plans C
Architectural Plans D
Geotechnical Report
Structural Calculations
Seller Disclosures
Description: Almost 1 acre in a desirable private end-of-the-road location adjacent to San Pedro Mountain Open Space Reserve and Harry A Barbier Park! Fantastic views from this lush treed parcel up on the hill. Reports and plans for a 2700+ sq ft luxury 4 bedroom 2+ bath view home included in sale! A paved shared driveway is already in place. Water, sewer, and electricity are in the street. Soil and engineering reports, architectural plans, topographic map, tree removal permit, etc. have already been paid for. The building permit has expired, so the buyer will need to get it renewed. This project was paused due to the pandemic and now it can be yours!
Driving Directions: From Hwy 101, turn northeast on N San Pedro Rd. Turn right on Garden Ave. Turn right on Carmel Ct. Turn left on Edgehill Way. After the houses at 4 Edgehill Way and 6 Edgehill Way, park and walk up the shared paved driveway on the right. The parcel is on the left side of that driveway. Take the map.