2037 Haight St, Redding, CA
Next to hospital!

Status: Available
Price: $8,000
Terms: Cash only
Size: 0.13 acre
Dimensions: 50 ft wide by 115 ft deep
Address: 2037 Haight St
Cross Street: Edith Ave
City: Redding
County: Shasta
Parcel Number (APN):
Zoning: RS-2 Residential Single Family
Latitude: 40.570263
Longitude: -122.396348
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Description: Lot next to Mercy Medical Center! The size is 0.13 acre or 50 ft wide by 115 ft deep. There is no road to the lot at this time and no utilities. It is offered for investment and is not buildable at this time. Savvy investors with an eye toward the future will understand the value of this prime hospital-adjacent location! Plus, a crazy low price! Boundaries in the aerial map are only approximate.
Driving Directions: At Mercy Medical Center in Redding, drive south on Edith. At the end of the pavement, park and hike down the dirt trail heading east. The corners of the lot are not marked, so you will only be able to view the location approximately, but not exactly. You can also view the land from Linden Ave down below. On Linden, park at the yellow gates and walk in. Take the aerial map.